18.09.2000 № 123
Muhosransk, Sovdepovskaia
street, suite 1, apartment 2
for Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.
Archival reference.
In accordance with
documents of the archival fund of the Muhosransk state pedagogical
- Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich was enlisted among
of full-time students of the first year of the Urupinsk state
pedagogical institute with the speciality physics and psychology, order
№ 111 of 31.07.1992.
- Ivanov I.I. was sent down from the third
year of the Urupinsk state pedagogical institute because of the transfer
into the Muhosransk state pedagogical university, order № 222 of
- Ivanov I.I. was enlisted among of
full-time students of the third year of the faculty of physics and
mathematics of the Muhosransk state pedagogical university because of
the transfer from the Urupinsk state pedagogical institute, order
№12-34/567 of 14.11.1994.
- Ivanov I.I. was sent down from the
faculty of physics and mathematics of the Muhosransk state pedagogical
university because of graduating and awarding the certificate of degree
with honours ABC №1234567, reg.№54321, order №76-54/321 от 27.06.1997.
Ground: personal file of
Ivanov I.I. оп.12а.св.345.
Head of personnel
department (signature) A.B.Kolupatkina
Registrar (signature)
Official seal.
Translated from Russian
by Karakumova A.Б. Переведено с
русского языка Каракумовой А.Б.
2 октября 2000г.
Я, Головотяпкина Ж.Д., нотариус г.Мухосранска, свидетельствую подлинность
подписи переводчика Каракумовой А.Б., переводившей с русского языка на
английский язык. Личность переводчика мне известна.
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Лицензия №123456 Выдана 20.07.95г.